VCSE Infrastructure Support
29th May 2024
Following months of work between the infrastructure partners and public sector commissioning partners, we are now able to give you an update on the future shape of infrastructure support.
We wanted to keep you updated on the latest progress we have made securing funding for the VCSE, that gives us a renewed energy and focus on citizen voice and activation. It has been confirmed that an interim 12 month contract will be in place that runs from June 2024 to June 2025.
The confirmation has come from the lead commissioners NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board in Bradford District and Craven, and Bradford Council.
The funding decision comes at a time when the public sector is facing unprecedented financial pressures. Set against this we can see that the work of our VCSE frontline organisations is widely recognised. As a sector we want to acknowledge the supportive conversations, shared decision making and inclusive approach that has meant we have all worked together using the Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership’s Act as One ethos.
During this coming year we will work together as equal partners to co-design a future model of delivery. This will be focused on the shared ambition of citizen voice and activation, contributing to our shared vision of people living ‘happy, healthy at home. We want to ensure that alongside citizen voice, we continue to bring sector voice to key decision making bodies and strategic meetings. In addition, our interim arrangements continue to have a focus on some limited capacity building, especially where we work with organisations that help divert pressure on statutory services.
While we don’t yet know exactly what this model will look like, what it will or won’t include, and how it may differ from what is currently delivered, we will value and will actively encourage your involvement through this co-design process. We hope that you will want to join us in this process to achieve better outcomes for all. This gives us a chance to refocus our energies with a system-wide reset of expectations and what we will deliver for our communities. This will allow us the opportunity to give greater opportunities for grassroots organisations.
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