West Yorkshire Survivor Leaders
4th February 2025
♀️ Are you a female survivor of sexual violence living in West Yorkshire?
♀️Would you like to use your voice to lead the change in responses to sexual violence?
♀️Have you heard about survivor leadership?
Well, the West Yorkshire Survivor Leaders is a 3-year National Lottery ‘Reaching Communities’ funded project.
Delivered through a working partnership of the 3 West Yorkshire Rape Crisis Centres: Kirklees, Calderdale and Wakefield Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre, Support After Rape and Sexual Violence Leeds (SARSVL), and Bradford Rape Crisis.
Firstly, the project aims to have active Survivor Leaders groups in these areas – providing a safe space for women to come together to fight for change.
To support the development of these groups, the Partners are launching a Leadership Academy. The academy will offer a course of free training. This will cover: leadership skills, campaigning, peer support, well-being & collective care, creating safe spaces for survivors and much more!
Also, the Leadership academy is designed to provide women with knowledge, skills practice and support. This will enable them to develop local Survivor Leader groups.
Members of the project Steering Group will be hosting an online information event on: Tuesday 18th February at 19:00.
So, to register an interest in attending the information evening or to find out more about West Yorkshire Survivor Leadership Academy please email: survivorleaders@brcg.org.uk or text/leave a message on 07310077313.
Without doubt, WYSLA look forward to welcoming women from across West Yorkshire. Come and share your expertise as a survivor of sexual violence and have a voice in leading change!
Community Action have shared this news item on behalf of the Bradford Rape Crisis Charity, You can find more posts like this in our newsletter Briefing Bradford